A celebration in gratitude to His Eminence, Terton Namkha Drimed Rinpoche
The Gongter transmission scheduled to take place at the Rigon Tashi Choling monastery in Nepal this fall on October 7-21 will mark two decades of tireless teaching and world travel by His Eminence. Many of us have received the riches of his own Terma and will gather (either in person or in spirit) to perform whichever practice(s) we have received on October 18, 2015. Because of the great number of texts and aspects, and because of the wide geography, the plan is that each person and/or group that wishes to join this celebration will offer whichever practice(s) they choose, along with prayers for Rinpoche’s long life and good health, and for the furtherance of his aims of complete health, happiness, and enlightenment for all beings.
If you would like to participate in this joyous and auspicious happening and yet have not received a specific text from His Eminence, please join us anyway, with your good wishes. We will have a set of prayers and a sample plan for the day which will have many choices for all to enjoy. We will surprise him with a list of everyone who wishes to be on it and have plans to create an audiovisual record of the day. We look forward to hearing from you.