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How to Bring Meaning and Purpose into One’s Life
June 14, 2015 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

With Dungsey Lhuntrul Dechen Gyurmey Rinpoche
In this morning talk Dungsey Lhuntrul Dechen Gyurmey Rinpoche will speak about what makes life meaningful, and how one can find one’s way to give the best of one’s self in life.
Often in Buddhism the importance of gaining merit and wisdom are emphasized as being the foundation for eventually attaining enlightenment. It is through merit that we gain insight and wisdom, and eventually develop boddhicitta.
Initially, we develop merit by what we offer to others and to our environment. By developing, cultivating and refining altruistic intent, our attitude and motivation in giving, we share the best of ourselves with others – it is what distinguishes us as human beings, and as individuals, and brings purpose, even grace, to what we do. Nobility develops by opening our hearts to others.
As one example of how a noble offering can transform others’ lives, and bring sacredness to it, the Boddhisattva Manjushri once stated that “If you live in a house decorated with flowers, your mind will abide (in calmness) and attain (spiritual) fruit.” Thus a seemingly simple gesture of offering flowers can have a more profoundly positive impact than we may realize. By reflecting upon and developing what it is that we wish to offer, our lives can be completely transformed through the richness we discover within ourselves, and are then able to share with others, if we are able to bring our gifts forth.
And, further, by reflecting and gaining insight about the ultimate purpose of the opportunity of having a human life, what the ultimate good could be, complete enlightenment, we might begin to more fully appreciate how incredibly fortunate we actually are.