Medicine Buddha Retreat

Medicine Buddha Retreat Kiev

With Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche, November 25 - 30, 2015. Public talk followed by Medicine Buddha retreat. Please note that teachings with Rinpoche will be given in English. Program details.....

Visit to Freiburg, Germany

Public Talk Freiburg

With Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche, December 11 - 13, 2015. Friday evening there will be a public talk and teaching from Rinpoche at the Forum in Merzhausen. There will be.....

Winter Retreat: Embracing the Spacious Quality of the Mind

Ripa International Center Hilfligweg 10 CH-3172, Bern

With Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche, Working with our emotions. Through the practice of silence and meditation, this New Year retreat is inspired by the feminine/Dakini principle according to Tibetan Buddhism......

GUTOR – Protectors Puja with Lama Tenzin

The Ripa International Center (RIC) Hilfigweg 10, CH – 3172 Niederwangen, Bern

On the occasion of the Tibetan New Year – Losar – negative energies and influences of the past year are dispelled by traditional ceremonies and rituals.

YOGOM ® – Yoga / Meditation

The Ripa International Center (RIC) Hilfigweg 10, CH – 3172 Niederwangen, Bern

The targeted body and breathing exercises of YOGOM are a natural transition for the practice of sitting Shamatha meditation, connecting body and mind directly.

With François Bertolero (Yoga teacher and developer of this method)

Visit to Aix-en-Provence

Visit Aix-en-Provence a Maison Diocésaine - Salle Cana, Aix-en-Provence, Provence

We are honored to announce that Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche will be visiting Aix-en-Provence for practices and teachings during his European tour this spring

Embracing Life with Openness, Courage and Compassion

The Ripa International Center (RIC) Hilfigweg 10, CH – 3172 Niederwangen, Bern

With Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche

According to Buddhist teachings, the inherent nature of all sentient beings is fundamentally good, although temporarily veiled by fear, doubt and mistrust. Embracing our insecurities with openness and loving-kindness, developing trust in our basic goodness and allowing the gentleness of our humanity to emerge could well be the cornerstone of the inner path that leads to a more compassionate engagement with society.

Nyung Né – Ritual Fasting

The Ripa International Center (RIC) Hilfigweg 10, CH – 3172 Niederwangen, Bern

Nyung Ne is a traditional Tibetan therapeutic fasting practice, based on prayers to Avalokiteshvara / Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion, with sessions of silence and teachings. This cleansing ritual is aimed at all those who want to connect with the compassionate qualities of their minds and of loving kindness.