A Meditation Retreat with Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche Preceded by a Tchenrezi Blessing on the first day of the retreat and ending with a transmission of the Bodhisattva Vows, with Gyetrul.....

Nyung Né

April 13th - 18th Residential Nyung Né with Lama Tenzin Phuntsok If you would like  Nyung Ne to be organized this year, please write to us expressing your wish. We will.....

Karma: Fate or Freedom?

April 22nd – 24th Onsite /Online Karma: Fate or Freedom? with Gyétrul Jigmé Rinpoché More info & registration

Nurturing an Awakened and Compassionate Mind

Residential / Online Nurturing an Awakened and Compassionate Mind Based on Shantideva’s "A Guide to the Boddhisattva’s Way of Life" Teaching is open to all with Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche More.....