Exploring the Mind, A Contemplative Perspective

with Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche WHAT IS THE MIND? HOW IS THE MIND DIFFERENT FROM THE BRAIN? What is consciousness? These are some daunting questions that science is still grappling with.....

Ripa Awareness Meditation

Ripa Awareness Meditation (RAM) is a simple and effective method to stabilize the mind using SHAMATA, a millenary technique that uses breathing as a support to develop "mental calm". Once.....

Karma: Fate or Freedom?

with Dungsey Lhuntrul Rinpoche Organized by the RIC Re-evaluating our understanding of Karma as an opportunity to express kindness, gratitude and compassion with Dungsey Lhuntrul Rinpoche. Registration will open soon

Hayagriva Drupchö

May 31st – June 6th Via Zoom Organized by Ripa Kalmykia   Registration will open soon

Lojong: Training the Mind in Seven Points

with Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche Zoom/On Site The Seven Points of Mind Training belong to the category of teachings known in Tibetan as Lojong. They are part of the Mahayana school.....

Taksham Yeshe Tsogyal Drupchö

with Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche Zoom/On Site Through the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal Drupchö, practitioners invite the healing energy of the wisdom deity and her mandala. This ritual allows practitioners to create.....

Enriching Gesar Drupchö 

with Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche Zoom/On Site The teachings of Gesar are critical to this age of degeneration. In essence, Gesar is the bodily emanation of Manjurshri, the speech of Avalokiteshvara,.....