Dear Friends of the Ripa Sangha,
When I found these photos in my closet, I committed to the Chagdud Gonpa Foundation that I would send them for their history files regarding the construction of their temple in Brazil in1998. Colleen and I attended this retreat in Brazil with His Eminence Namkha Rinpoche where he transmitted the entire Tagsham terma to Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, his lamas, students and to all of us who were there. This is very important in our history at Ripa Ladrang Foundation since it was during this Brazil retreat that the initial framework and organization were being formed for the foundation. When we returned to the U.S., as you may recall, Colleen called over one hundred of our Buddhist colleagues together and it was then that Namkha Drimed Rinpoche and Jigme Rinpoche agreed to launch Ripa Ladrang Foundation. It seems Colleen and I were fated to attend this Brazil event as it led to our coming together as a sangha . . . how wonderful it all has been!
As I go through all of my photos and documents, I am writing more original history since there are several other events and times not yet documented. I will forward more information for everyone’s history files sometime later this year. |