“The Buddha Dharma is the ultimate source of happiness and refuge for all beings. We should preserve it through practice and so preserve the precious lineage of living wisdom teachings. In order to do this, the monastic setting is indispensable. Such a sanctuary radiates positive energy and promotes peace, harmony, happiness and liberty throughout the entire universe.”
– H.E. Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche
Donate to Support COVID-19 Relief
Donate below to help the monks of Ripa Ladrang struggling amid the coronavirus pandemic.
We hope you and your loved ones have been well and the Dharma has been a comfort and guide during this challenging time. Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche, the Abbot and Teacher of the Ripa Monasteries and the Spiritual Heir to the Ripa Lineage says: “The fundamental teaching of Buddhism is that of interdependence and impermanence”. These challenging times of the COVID -19 pandemic serve to highlight these principles. This crisis also offers us the special opportunity to demonstrate greater loving kindness and compassion toward one another, a central Buddhist teaching. Through prayers and meditation, the monks in the Ripa monasteries in India and Nepal are practicing loving kindness and compassion, dedicating their prayers to all of humanity and promoting peace and health for all. Let us hope that we will come out of this pandemic very soon.
During this challenging time, the Ripa Ladrang Foundation is launching a COVID -19 campaign! The objective for this campaign is to raise funds that will help sustain and support the monks of the Ripa monasteries in India and Nepal, who continue to pray for our peace and good health. Our ongoing memberships, donations, prayers and practices normally generate the needed income each year, but at this time and during lockdown, it is not enough to sustain our operations for the balance of this year 2020.
In regular times, ongoing teachings and prayer ceremonies, supported by a global community, provide for monks’ basic needs: food, housing, clothing, medical care and education. During this pandemic, the monasteries are not able to host regular teachings and prayer ceremonies, which has challenged the basic livelihood of over 400 monks who live and study at the Ripa monasteries in India and Nepal. Several events have been canceled or postponed indefinitely, and we do not foresee being able to host larger events for some time. To support the monks of the Ripa monasteries, we need to raise $25,000. We ask that you join us in offering a donation of any amount to help reach this goal and spread this message widely to others who are able to contribute. Your donations will provide for the monks’ basic needs, enabling monks to continue with their basic studies and dedication to serving others.
Ripa Ladrang Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting, supporting and preserving Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism, following the footsteps of the Ripa Lineage and its teachers. This tradition’s religious values and practices encourage compassionate engagement with the world and its people. We fulfill this mission through a combination of teachings, preservation of religious texts, spiritual outreach and a wide variety of humanitarian service projects.
For over twenty years, the Ripa Ladrang Foundation has sponsored the Ripa Monasteries in India and Nepal. Over this period, the number of monastic residents or monks, living and studying in these monasteries has steadily grown to over 160 in Nepal and 250 in India. Monks live a life dedicated to dharma, to serve other beings, and to achieve accomplishment on the spiritual path. Monks are of vital importance to the progress of Buddhist practices and traditions. They are also critical in preserving Tibetan language, culture, dance rituals, prayers and practices, written language (Sanskrit), as well as holy traditions and transmissions brought from India by the enlightened teacher Padmasambhava.
Donate to Support COVID-19 Relief
Donate below to help the monks of Ripa Ladrang struggling amid the coronavirus pandemic.